Last night I used the book that my friend Alana sent me -- The Most Wonderful Dollhouse Book, to make a new chair for the doll house.
First I started with an empty baking powder can. I used a Sharpie to outline where I would cut with my sharp Xacto.
You can see how the chair will be shaped. The most tedious part comes next, and that is cutting a piece or two of fabric and smoothly hot-gluing it on so it looks upholstered.
But it turns out well! What did I use to fill the inside? I simply measured out enough stuffing to fill up the seat. I then cut a circle of fabric and laid that stuffing in the center of it. I pulled the fabric together all around it like a balloon and tied it together with a piece of string. The tied-with-string end went down into the seat first, leaving a pretty puffy pillow look on top.
Mama Doll loves her chair. I ended up covering my fabric "seam" on the chair with a ribbon I had recycled from some old PJs. It worked perfectly.
Fancy, eh? Princess of the Universe loves her new chair.
Remember to supervise the use of all crafting tools. I always do the sharp work myself and supervise my children very closely when they are working with things like this to avoid injury.
If I could make a suggestion, re the tin can chair, I make mine from cat food cans or tuna cans, I keep the lid attached. I also glue cardboard front and back so no one will cut themselves on the sharp edges. Also to save on stuffing (it can get expensive) I first stuff with those styrofoam chips and then batting on top. It also keeps the stuffing from packing and sinking from the weight of the doll sitting on it.