It is! And it came to me in the mail yesterday from my sweet friend, Alana.
It's true I was a bit tired when I came home yesterday, but this book very much lifted my spirits when I saw it in the mailbox and then even more when I looked at it last evening and just marveled at all the things I can make with Princess of the Universe!
This book has very clear instructions and has many things in it that have already set my mind to work. It's called The Most Wonderful Dollhouse Book and it's by Millie Hines (by Butterick, copyright 1979). It's a treasure! :)
Alana, thank you.
I burst into tears when I saw this... My aunt Melinda and I used to play dolls and build doll houses and clothes and accessories together. She died when I was 12, and it was really hard for me. She had given me this book, and it inspired so many hours of creativity and play, I still use some of the ideas from the book with my own kids. I loved that book, and it seems perfect for you.