Wednesday, December 3, 2008

She's Come Home

Today my daughter and I found a beautiful doll at the thrift store. For 99 cents, we brought her home to her very own doll house. She immediately had a family to invite her in.

She's beautiful and exotic. The other dolls loved her immediately.


  1. She is delightful. Does she have a name Yet?


  2. We're not sure yet. Something exotic, for mysterious for sure -- you know, considering how she just appeared needing a home. And her face. We'll be sure to post it.

    Lynn :)

  3. She is lovely and exotic!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog
    and leaving a comment.

  4. Lynn,
    Your daughter's doll reminds me of the book Hitty. (We are getting ready to start Above and Beyond with my two oldest daughters) :-) Anyway, just made me think of that. Maybe your daughter could write her own Hitty story for her doll and post it on her blog. My daughters and I would be up for a good story. :-)
    Have a great week!
    Tracy in TN

  5. What a great idea, Tracy. :) We love Hitty. I read it with one of the boys, using Above and Beyond, but I have not read it with my daughter yet.

    We'll have to talk about it. It would be fun to let her write her story first and then see how the book unfolds, since she has not read it yet.

